Why does Stripe send a 1099-K form?

Givebacks partners with Stripe to file 1099-K tax forms that report your sales activity. If you are the Stripe Account Owner, you’ll get an email from Stripe with instructions about how to confirm your tax information and delivery preferences to make sure your 1099 tax form is sent to the right place.

Please confirm your information using the link provided in the email from Stripe. You’ll need to create a Stripe Express account and confirm your information is up to date to receive your 1099 tax form for the tax year. Stripe will ask you a series of security questions to verify your identity.

We recommend adding express@stripe.com to your address book so the email isn’t marked as spam.

Tip: If you can’t find this email, try searching your email account for “Get your Givebacks 2023 tax forms quicker by enabling e-delivery” and make sure that you’re using the same email account that is listed as the Stripe account owner. If you’re still unable to find the email, you can access the Stripe Express Dashboard from Financial Management > Stripe Settings > click the three dots > View Express Dashboard and click the Tax Forms tab at the top of the screen.


What is a 1099-K form?

The 1099-K form summarizes the sales activity of your account. It will be provided to you and the IRS, as well as some US states if you meet the IRS sales threshold. The threshold for 2024 is $5,000 in sales.

Why do I need to verify my information? 

We want to ensure that information like your name, address, and Taxpayer Identification Number are up to date so that your 1099-K tax form is accurate and sent to the right place.

When and where can I expect my 1099-K tax form? 

1099-K tax forms are typically finalized in January. If you meet the income thresholds above, Stripe will send you a link to download a copy of your 1099 tax form (or mail a paper form if you prefer).

From the Tax Forms tab of Stripe Express, you will be able to view and download your 1099 tax forms. If you did not consent to e-delivery, you will not be able to download your 1099 tax form through the Tax Forms tab of Stripe Express.



Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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