How to use compact descriptions on your fundraiser page

Learn about compact descriptions and how to enable this option for your experience page.

Compact descriptions are used to manage the length of a page when descriptions for items or prizes are long and require too much scrolling. 

Full descriptions are shown by default on all experience pages but you can easily switch to compact descriptions by using compact mode. In compact mode, shortened descriptions will be shown with the option for the donor to click a ‘ VIEW MORE’ button to read the full description. 


Compact mode can be enabled for all items under the experience tab, including Description, Meet the Organization, Updates, Custom Sections etc. Compact mode is not available outside of the experience tab.

How to enable compact descriptions

  1. Go to Experiences in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the experience image.
  3. Click Options in the timeline at the top.
  4. Click Experience Options*.
  5. Check the box next to Use compact descriptions with a “see more” control
  6. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.


*Note: Terminology on these buttons may be different according to the terminology that you’ve chosen for your experience.

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