The calendar is a great place to store event details. You can post events, send invitations to events, send reminders, and collect RSVPs. To add an event click the New Event button.
Add a Calendar Event
1. Navigate to the Calendar on the upper portion of the toolbar.
2. Click the New Event button in the upper right corner.
3. Next, fill in the form for the event.
4. Choose Public vs Non-Public.
Note: If you check the box to make the event a Public Event, users will not need a Givebacks login to view and RSVP to the event. Not making it Public will require each attendee to have a Givebacks account to view and RSVP.
5. Select the Date and Time. You can also set the event to repeat and set reminders.
6. Enter the Location.
7. Choose your Attendees.
Note: If you wish to make this an event for specific hub(s), you can select the hub(s) within the Attendee list.
8. Click Save and select whether you want to send with or without sending invites.
After the event is saved on your calendar, you can click on it to see how many have RSVP'd and export a list of attendees and their responses.
Other Info:
Click the Event on the calendar.
You will then see where you can:
- RSVP to the event
- See event details
- Review RSVPs
- Share the Event - You can also click the applicable icon to share this event on your social media account.
To view the attendee's list and their responses, click the link to Edit the event. Then click the Change link to open the Attendees section.
From this screen:
- See the replies for each attendee currently invited
- Add other emails to the list to invite
- Edit an attendee's response to the event
- Export a list of attendees and their responses, via the Export link
Click Save when you are finished viewing and editing this list of attendees.
Questions? Contact Giveback Support.