You can log in to your Givebacks site by going to and entering your email address and password. If you are logging in for the first time, click the Create An Account button.
Note: Anyone can create an account, but you will not be able to access your organization's Givebacks site until you have been added to your organization's database. If you are unsure who to ask for access, please contact your organization's executive board.
Logging in for the first time
1. Go to
2. Click Create an account at the bottom of the screen.
3. Enter your name, email address, and create your secure password.
4. Click Sign Up. You will see this message on your screen and a confirmation email will be sent to confirm your email address.
5. Find your confirmation email and click Confirm my email address.
6. Go back to and log in with your email address and the password you created.
7. If you are an admin, select your organization from the list. You will be taken to the organization's home page.
8. If you are not an admin or don't see any causes listed on this page, click the profile icon in the upper right corner and select My Profile.
Scroll to the Other Organizations section and click on one of your roles beneath the organization you wish to access. You will be taken to the organization's dashboard.
Note: For a shortcut, use the link to the home page to access your organization in the future. You will be prompted to log in and taken directly to the dashboard.
See Why am I not able to log in? for additional information.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.