How can I share my newsletter on social media?

After you send a newsletter you can share it via several social media platforms to better reach your entire audience. There are two ways to share on social media. Immediately after sending your newsletter, you will be prompted to do so. Or you can log in and view your sent newsletters and choose to share them from the options at the bottom of the screen.

Sharing your newsletters on social media

1. Simply create your newsletter as you normally would. For more information see How can I create a newsletter? When you are done, send the message. You will see a box pop up asking if you want to share the message. You can choose to share on Remind, Facebook, Twitter, or via a link.

Click the option you want to use and a new tab will open and you can edit your post. The title of the email and a link to the stored newsletter will automatically be included in the social media message. However, you can also further edit this if you prefer.

For example, a Facebook message might look like this: 


2. You can also share on social media any time after you have sent your message. Go to Communications > Newsletters. Click on your sent newsletter to access the Share Settings at the bottom of the page. Click on the option you want to use, and edit your post.


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