How can I change the cause I am supporting?

Sometimes your interests change or you would like to support a different cause for a bit. We get it! Changing your cause is as simple as logging into your Shop to Give account, visiting the Explore Causes page, and selecting the cause you would like to support.

Changing your Cause on Shop to Give 

1. Sign In to

s2g sign in.png

2. Go to your profile icon at the top of the screen and select Explore Causes.

3. Use the search box at the top of the page to find the cause you would like to support. You can search by Cause NameEIN, or Location.

4. From here you can select your cause from the results list, use the categories, or use the map to locate your cause.

5. Click the blue Select This Cause button on the cause you would like to support.

6. Done! You are now supporting the new cause you have chosen.


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