Why doesn't the Browser Extension pop up when cash back is available on a website?

There are several reasons why the browser extension may not activate or let you know of available offers. It may be turned off, uninstalled, or another extension has been activated instead. You can check the status of your extension from the puzzle piece icon at the top right of your screen. Make sure the Shop to Give Givebacks extension is pinned for easy access, and click manage extensions to toggle the Shop to Give extension back on.

Is the extension turned off?

1. Go to the puzzle piece on the top right of your browser and select Manage extensions.


2. Make sure the radio button for the Shop to Give Givebacks Genie extension is turned on



Is another browser extension interfering? 

Other similar cashback extensions may interfere with the Givebacks extension and prevent it from activating. The best resolution is to disable any other cashback extensions while using the Givebacks Genie extension. 

1. Go to the puzzle piece on the top right of your browser and select Manage extensions.


2. Slide the switch under the extension you wish to turn off. turn_of_non_givebacks_extension.png

Has the extension become un-installed? 

You might have a new device, or the extension has been uninstalled.

You can re-install the extension by clicking this buttonget_the_genie.png

Good to Know: You can download the extension on your phone or computer by clicking the button above from the appropriate device. 


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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