How to get your cause started with Shop to Give

Is your cause ready to earn some passive donations? Register your cause with Shop to Give and let your followers and donors know (referred to as Backers on Shop to Give). Each time one of your backers makes an eligible purchase, your cause earns a percentage. It's that simple. You can get started by going to, clicking Signup, and following the steps on the screen.

Note: If your organization has a Givebacks store, you are already set up for Shop to Give. Log in to your Givebacks site and go to Shop to Give on your toolbar.

Getting Started

If you don't have a Givebacks store and simply want to use Shop to Give, follow these steps to set up your account.

1. Go to Select Sign Up.

2. Fill in the form and click Create Admin Account.

3. Enter your cause's EIN so we can locate your organization. Choose your organization from the list and click the Verify Your Cause button. 

Can't find your cause? There is a contact link to our CSM team at the bottom of the page. Click this to set up a meeting to get you started!


4. Next, you will set up a Stripe account for your unit. Just follow these steps. Once Stripe verifies your account, in about 24-48 hours, you will be all set.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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