Pending Donations vs. Current Balance - What's the difference?

Within Shop to Give on your Payouts page, you will see a section that lists your Pending Donations, Current Balance, and Available Funds. Pending Donations are donations that are not yet available from the merchant. Current Balance is funds that are no longer pending, but not quite ready to be paid out to you.

What is the difference between pending donations and current balance?

Pending Donations: This is cashback earned by your backers, that has not been paid out to you by Shop to Give yet. Because of the agreements with merchants, it can take several months for the funds to become available to be paid out to you. Once Shop to Give has received the funds from the merchant, they will appear in your current balance.

Current Balance: The current balance is the cashback you have that is waiting to be paid out. This is only applicable to organizations that do not have a Givebacks store. As a Shop to Give organization without a Givebacks store, the Current Balance shows you the funds you have for which you can request a payout. Simply follow these steps: How do I receive my Shop to Give donations as a Shop to Give Cause?

Organizations with a Givebacks store will automatically receive their funds through their Stripe account once the funds are no longer considered pending. These funds never sit in a current balance because they are automatically cued to be paid out once they become available. You can learn more about the payout process as an organization with a Givebacks store at: How can we get our Shop to Give Payouts as a Givebacks Organization?


Additional earnings definitions

Earned YTD: This is the amount your organization has earned before any transfer fees since the beginning of the calendar year (January 1st). 

Lifetime Earnings: The amount your organization has earned since joining Shop to Give, before any transfer fees.

Average Transaction: This is the average amount (prior to transfer fees) of the cash back/donation your cause has received. This is an amount you can keep an eye on, and even try to raise, by encouraging people to donate more. It is also a good number to know for forecasting. 


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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