The Shop to Give dashboard provides data about your backers and how much they have raised for your cause. Organizations with a Givebacks site can access their Shop to Give metrics directly from the Givebacks toolbar. Shop to Give causes can view data from the Admin Portal.
Use these links to jump to the section that best suits your needs:
- Accessing from the Givebacks toolbar
- Accessing from the Shop to Give Admin Portal (for causes only using Shop to Give)
Accessing from the Givebacks toolbar
Organizations with a Givebacks site can access Shop to Give metrics directly from their Givebacks toolbar.
1. From the Givebacks toolbar, select Shop to Give, then Dashboard.
2. The top bar shows the total number of backers and the number of active backers.
- Total Backers - the number of people who have created a Shop to Give account and selected to support your cause.
- Backers Active - the total number of people who have made purchases/redeemed offers.
3. View detailed backer information.
- Backer Name - Your backer's user name on their Shop to Give account.
- Signup Date - The date your backer joined Shop to Give.
- Last Activity Date - The date the backer last earned cashback.
- Purchases - The number of cashback purchases the backer made.
- Amount Raised - The amount this backer has earned for your cause.
- Extensions - Indicates whether this backer uses the Desktop or Mobile Extension.
- Cards on File - Shows the number of credit cards your backer has linked.
- Referral Signups - The number of people referred by this backer who have signed up and decided to also support your cause.
- Address - The address of your backer.
- State - The state of your backer.
- Zip Code - The zip code of your backer.
4. You can get a more detailed view of your data with the search, date filter, and export features.
- Search backer name or email - This allows you to locate a specific backer.
- Select active date range - Search data by a specific date range.
- Download - Click the download icon to export the data to a .csv file.
Accessing from the Shop to Give Admin Portal
If your cause only uses Shop to Give, you can access the metrics through the Admin Portal.
1. Go to Select Log In and choose Shop to Give admins.
2. From the toolbar select Dashboard.
3. Select the date range using the dropdown in the upper right.
4. View this top section to see at a glance your organization's total number of:
- Total Supporting Backers - the total number of people who have chosen your cause to support.
- Backers Active - the total number of people who have made purchases/redeemed offers.
- Desktop Extension - the total number of backers who have installed the chrome extension.
- Mobile Extension - the total number of backers who have installed the mobile extension.
- Cards Linked - the total number of backers with a linked card set up on their Shop to Give account.
- Purchase - the total percentage of backers who have made a purchase/redeemed an offer.
You can also see a list of Most Recent Backers.
5. Navigate to the Backer Tracker for more information. To go to the Backer Tracker click Backer Tracker on the toolbar, click View Backer Tracker in the Most Recent Backers section, or select Research Your Backers.
Backer Tracker
6. Similar to the Dashboard, the backer tracker also has the top bar of stats.
- Total Backers - the number of people who have created a Shop to Give account and selected to support your cause.
- Backers Active - the total number of people who have made purchases/redeemed offers.
- Raised so far - the amount your backers have raised for your cause.
- Goal - The goal set by the organization.
7. You can get a more detailed view of your data with the search, date filter, and export features.
- Search backer name or email - This allows you to locate a specific backer.
- Select active date range - Search data by a specific date range.
- Download - Click the download icon to export the data to a .csv file.
8. View detailed backer information.
- Backer Name - Your backer's user name on their Shop to Give account.
- Signup Date - The date your backer joined Shop to Give.
- Last Activity Date - The date the backer last earned cashback.
- Purchases - The number of cashback purchases the backer made.
- Amount Raised - The amount this backer has earned for your cause.
- Extensions - Indicates whether this backer uses the Desktop or Mobile Extension.
- Cards on File - Shows the number of credit cards your backer has linked.
- Referral Signups - The number of people referred by this backer who have signed up and decided to also support your cause.
- Address - The address of your backer.
- State - The state of your backer.
- Zip Code - The zip code of your backer.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.