Hide Peer-to-Peer prizes from your Participant Center so only registered participants and teams can view them.

If you add Peer-to-Peer or an A-Thon to your Experience and enable a Participant Center, you can display prizes to motivate Participants* and Teams* to fundraise for your cause.

By default, Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon prizes are visible to anyone who visits your Participant Center, but there may be times when you don't want the general public to see them. Givebacks allows you to hide prizes from anyone except registered Participants who are logged into their Givebacks account.

If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.

Hide Prizes

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Select Edit Experience.
  4. Go to Options in the timeline at the top.
  5. Scroll down to Peer-to-Peer Options and click on the plus sign to expand this section:
  6. Scroll down to How do you want to display prizes on your Participant Center?.
  7. Select Display prizes only to registered participants and teams:

  1. Select Save.

Good to Know

You can also hide leaderboards and rankings from the Participant Center. Learn how here:

How-to: Hide Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Leaderboards

How-to: Hide Rankings


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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