Crowdfunding reports and donation history will allow you to keep track of donors and donations as well as participants and prizes earned.
Navigating to Donation History
To access donation history and prize reports go to Fundraisers and click Manage Campaigns this will show your list of drafted, published, and finished campaigns.
Filter to search for the campaign by name, then click the three dots on the far right side of that campaign. Click Campaign Donation History. This will open your donations report. If you have prizes enable in your campaign, you will have a button in the top right corner for View Participant & Prizes.
If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.
Donation History
Campaign Overview - Campaign Status, End Date, Time Remaining, Raised So Far, Goal.
Campaign Donation History - Donor Name, Date, Donation Amount, Fees, Your Share, Zip Code, Status, Credit Designation, Donation Level.
The three dots to the left of View Participants & Prizes will open a small menu where you can - Duplicate Campaign, Edit Campaign, and Add Offline Donation.
Team Prize Report - Team Name, # of Participants, # of Donations, Prizes Earned, Team Goal, Amount Raised, number 1 team prize, team raise money.
You can Add New Team, Import Team from CSV, and download this report.
Participant Prize Report - Participant Name, Team, # of Donations, Prizes Earned, Amount Raised.
You can Add New Participant, Import Participant from CSV, and download this report.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.