Logging activity results on your A-thon fundraiser is key to accomplishing your fundraiser's goals. The results you enter allow the system to automatically calculate how much to charge each donor for their per-unit pledges. Entering results can also provide an updated amount raised that can be shared among your network and show how close you are to meeting your overall experience goals.
Admins can enter activity manually for an individual or through an import.
If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below, please click here to go to the appropriate help article.
Manually entering activity
1. From the toolbar, select Fundraisers and then All Campaigns.
2. Click the three dots next to your campaign and select Participants & Prize Reports.
3. In the upper left corner, select Participants.
4. Click the three dots next to the participant and select Log/edit activity.
5. Click Log New Activity. Then enter the number of activity units and click the checkmark. Click Save.
Importing Activity
1. Navigate to the participant listing on the Participants & Prizes page.
2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the page and select Import Participants Activity.
3. Click the link for the Sample Participant Activity CSV Template.
4. The template is pre-populated with your participant information. To populate it, enter the activity in the Units Completed column. Save as a CSV file.
Note: Do not edit any other information on the template. The UUID is a unique identifier for the donor that the system generates automatically.
5. Click Select File to import your file.
6. Click Import.
7. The activity will be added to your participant's total.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.