The Givebacks App is designed for supporters and members of causes such as PTAs, schools, booster clubs, and other non-profit organizations. From the app, you can select the causes you want to support, make purchases from their online store, and make donations to them through the Shop to Give program.
Get Started
1. Download the Givebacks app from the Apple or Google Play store or log in at
2. Sign In or follow the prompts to Get Started
The Give page allows you to select causes to follow and support.
- My Causes are the causes you have set as favorites and are following and supporting.
- Click Add a Cause or Explore Causes to search for additional causes.
- Click Make a Donation to quickly make a One-time donation or set up a Monthly recurring donation.
- View and donate to fundraising campaigns for your causes.
The Buy page lets you view the online store for each cause you follow.
- Select a cause and browse their store products, memberships, and more.
- Select products and add them to your cart.
- You can add products from multiple stores to your cart. Note that you will need to complete separate checkouts for each store.
From the Earn page, you can view merchants who participate in the Givebacks Shop to Give program.
- The Earn Online tab allows you to find participating merchants online. It also includes direct links to merchant sites and a button to download the Chrome extension.
- From the Earn In-Store tab, search for in-store participating merchants and restaurants with the search box or map. You can click the Add a Card button to add your credit card to your account, which is required to activate in-store offers.
The Wallet houses your credit cards and membership cards. You can also view your Shop to Give earnings and past purchases.
- Find your Shop to Give Available Balance and Pending Balance here.
- Clicking the Available Balance box allows you to donate to a cause or transfer your available balance.
- Click your membership card icon to see the full membership card.
- You can also Add a Card.
- Click the Earnings tab to see your Shop to Give earnings by merchant.
- Click the Purchases tab to see details of past purchases.
Select the Profile link to Edit Your Profile and Change Your Password.
- From Manage Your Cause, you can add a new cause, remove a cause, or delete your account.
- Go to Donation Settings to Manage Recurring Donations and Edit Cashback Allocation.
- You can add and edit your Linked Accounts for cashback payouts.
- You can also change your Privacy Settings.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.