How to add participants and teams for peer-to-peer fundraisers

Learn how to add or upload students, participants or teams to manage your peer-to-peer fundraising experience.

If you’re the experience organizer for a peer-to-peer fundraising experience, you’ll be responsible for managing a list of participants, students, employees, or any other experience participants. Below, we'll show you how to add participants and teams to your experience. This will enable you to access reports containing information such as participants’ contact information, amounts raised, and fundraising goals. We make it easy to add any number of participants and teams to your experience.

As a convenient way to let your added participants know that they’ve been invited to participate in peer-to-peer fundraising, we’ve also enabled an option for sending out an email when you add participants. This email will include a link to the recipient’s personal fundraising page and instructions for accessing their participant dashboard. You can send these emails whether you choose to add participants manually or by importing – find out how below.

*Note: In this article, we'll use the term "participants," and “teams,” but this terminology could be different depending on your experience settings (e.g., students, runners, etc.). 

If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.

If you only have a few participants or teams, you can add them manually to your experience in a few simple steps.

  1. Go to Experiences in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen grid view, click on the experience image.
  3. Click View Participants* or View Teams*.
  4. Click the ACTIONS button on the upper right.
  5. Click ADD PARTICIPANT* or ADD TEAM* to add one at a time.
  6. Add the participant or team information in the box that appears.
  7. If you’d like your participant to receive an email notifying them that they’ve been added to your fundraiser, check the box next to Notify this participant that they were added at the bottom.
  8. Click SAVE.


If you have many members or teams to add, we recommend importing this information to save yourself time.

  1. Go to Experiences in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen grid view, click on the experience image.
  3. Click View Participants* or View Teams*.
  4. Click the ACTIONS button on the upper right.
  5. Click Import Members* or Import Teams* to upload many participants or teams at once.
  6. Download the member or team template.
  7. Enter the participant or team information in the template.
  8. When you are ready to add the participants or teams, click the blue ACTIONS button from above.
  9. Click Import Members* or Import Teams*.
  10. Click Select File.
  11. Select the template file you saved containing the participant information.
  12. Click IMPORT.
  13. If you’d like your participants to receive an email notifying them that they’ve been added to your fundraiser, check the box next to notify these imported participants that they were added at the bottom.


Tips for importing members:

  • You’ll want to make sure you’ve added all your teams before importing participants, as you can only import participants to teams that have already been created. If you import a participant to a team that hasn’t been created, it will still be added to your fundraiser but not connected to any team.
  • Keep the column names when you download the template (changing them will cause the import to fail).
  • Only the columns with the information you selected as “required” will need to be filled out. You can see the required information you selected under the Peer-to-Peer fundraising section of the experience setup. This required information must be entered to complete a successful import. Columns that don’t pertain to your required information can be left blank.
  • You’ll need to fill in the email address column if you’d like imported participants to be able to create an account on RallyUp using that email address. This will enable them to track their progress, modify their fundraising page, view their donors, and more. If you don’t want your imported members to access these features, leave the email column blank.

Good to know:

  • You can click on any participant or team’s name in the view participant* or view team* table to view their dashboard. Here, you can view their individual progress, sharing links, and a list of the people who have donated to them.
  • If you're collecting a fee for member registration, the only way to collect that fee is to add members manually through the member center on your experience. Members added through the “view members” feature will be added for free.
  • Importing members can be done on both private and public registration.

Learn More

 Public vs. Private Registration: What's the Difference?


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