Add promo codes and offer supporters discounts on prizes, items, and registrations

Learn how to offer discounts to generate more participation in your experience.

To incentivize participation in fundraisers, Givebacks Fundraiser experiences now feature the option to use promo codes. These can be created to offer discounts on items, prizes, or registrations on your fundraiser. However, promo codes cannot be used for regular one-time donations.

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Promo Codes can only be used on certain experience types, including raffles, events, sales, and crowdfunding experiences in which perks or rewards are offered. Experiences with team fundraising registrations are also eligible for promo codes.

Using promo codes is an excellent way to offer discounts to generate more activity for your fundraiser. For example, perhaps your organization is running a charity golf event and you want to invite the local high school golf team. You can offer them a discount on their registration by creating a promo code to receive half off the normal registration fee. Distribute your exclusive promo code information to the team so they can take part in your event at special pricing. 

You can also use promo codes in sales fundraisers to draw interest and discount specific items in your experience.   

When you use promo codes, discounts can be offered by a percentage amount (e.g., 25% off) or a flat amount (e.g., $25 off).

Promo codes can be applied to the entire transaction or towards one specific item on the experience.  

Givebacks also offers several other customizations to ensure your promo codes fit your experience’s unique goals:

  • Choose the promo code name:  Select your own name for your promo code (e.g., 25OFF) or have the random generator create one for you by clicking the ‘generate random code’ button. 
  • Quantity:  You can specify how many times this code can be used (e.g., a quantity of 50 means that code 25OFF can be used only 50 times). You can also decide whether each user will have the option to use the code only once or for multiple purchases.
  • Start Date and Time: You can also allow the promo code to be available for a limited time only. Enter the start and end date and time for which the promo code can be used. The code will then only be valid during the timeframe specified. If a user tries to enter it outside the designated window, they will see an error message. If you prefer to have the code available for the entire duration of the experience, no dates are necessary. 

Here’s how to create and manage promo codes:  

  1. Click Experiences in the left menu. 
  2. If you have chosen list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen grid view, click on the experience image
  3. Click on Manage Promo Codes. ManagePromoCodes_20220620-1024x650.png
  4. From there, you can view and manage existing promo codes or create new ones with the Create Promo Code button in the upper right area of the table.  
  5. Fill out the details of the code and click CREATE PROMO CODE when you’re done.  


  • Promo codes cannot be deleted after they are used. The dates and number of times the code can be used are editable pieces of information that can be changed once the code has been used.  
  • The amount added to the total amount raised on the fundraising page is the after-discount amount. For example, a $100 transaction with a $20 discount promo code applied means that $80 would be added to the total amount raised.  
  • Reports will show columns for purchase amounts before the discount, purchase amounts after the discount, and the amount of the discount itself. Reports will also have a “promo code” column that will show which promo code was used on a specific donation (if any).  

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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