We've put together a list of everything you need to know about running a successful crowdfunding fundraiser.
1. Promote your campaign and get momentum
To begin making progress toward your fundraising goals, you’ll need to get your crowdfunding campaign in front of as many people as possible. Sharing your fundraiser with the greatest number of potential donors increases exposure and may make others more likely to share your cause with people in their network, too. There are many strategies you can use to promote your fundraiser, but we’ve compiled a list of our best tips here.
2. Keep your supporters engaged
Your communication with your donors shouldn’t end once they’ve contributed to your cause. You can keep them engaged throughout your fundraiser’s duration with status updates and other newsworthy info.
3. Be responsive to your donors
Be sure to reply quickly to donor's questions so you don’t miss out on any inquiries regarding donations or other important matters. This facilitates a strong relationship among donors and campaign managers, which we believe is important to any fundraiser’s success.
4. Deliver the perks (if applicable)
If you’ve offered perks for certain donation levels, you’ll need to retrieve your donors’ delivery information so you can send them out. We’ve made it easy to access and export a list of donations with all the information you’ll need to fulfill deliveries.
5. Utilize your campaign's donor data
After your experience has ended, you’ll have a wealth of valuable information you can use to help plan and promote another fundraiser. Your donors are listed in your contact database with the role of donor. Use the Givebacks communication tools to message them about your next fundraiser.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.