We've put together a list of everything you need to know on running a successful auction fundraiser.

1. Promote your auction and get momentum

To begin making progress towards your fundraising goals, you’ll need to maximize the visibility for your auction. Sharing your fundraiser with the greatest number of potential donors increases exposure and may make others more likely to share your cause with people in their network, too. There are many strategies you can use to promote your fundraiser, but we’ve compiled a list of our best tips here.

2. Keep your supporters engaged

Your communication with your donors shouldn’t end once they’ve bid on an item. You can keep them engaged throughout your fundraiser’s duration with status updates and other newsworthy info. Click here to learn how to keep them in the loop.

3. Be responsive to your donors

Givebacks (formerly MemberHub) has made it simple for supporters to email you directly with questions from your auction page. This facilitates a strong relationship among donors and experience managers, which we believe is important to any fundraiser’s success. Be sure to reply so you don’t miss out on any inquiries regarding bids or other important matters.

4. Keep track of new auction item bids

We’ve set up a convenient system so you can track the progress of your auction item(s) by receiving notifications of new bids. This allows you to monitor the progress of your fundraiser from anywhere, and strategically promote items with low bids to increase bidding. Discover more tips for maximizing bids with our helpful guide here.

5. View and notify auction winners

Once your auction is complete, you can view the winner(s) and notify them directly from your experience management menu. If they bid by credit card, they’ll be charged automatically at this point.

6. Arrange delivery of auction items

When the auction is finished and the winner(s) have been charged, you’ll need to retrieve their delivery information so you can send items out. We’ve made it easy to access and export a list of donations with all the contact information you’ll need to fulfill deliveries.

7. Utilize your experience’s donor data

The exported donor data you’ll use for deliveries can also be helpful for planning and promoting your next fundraiser. Just export your donor data and add it to your CRM and mailing lists. Find out how to access this report in a few simple steps here.

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