How to Change the Owner of Your Stripe Account

Are you transitioning your organization's officers? Make sure you also transfer ownership of your Stripe account. The incoming officer needs to be able to work with the previous/outgoing officer to transfer ownership, and the process must be completed within 7 days.


Is the Current Stripe Owner able to work with the new officers to transfer ownership?

If Yes--> Please follow these steps: Transitioning your Stripe Account, Updating Management and Ownership

If No --> Please follow these steps: Changing Company Representative and Account Owner/Owner Email on Stripe Account When You Can’t Work with Previous Officer


Transitioning your Stripe Account, Updating Management and Ownership

Follow these steps if you are ready to transfer your Stripe account ownership to a new or incoming officer and can work together.

Current Stripe Owner Needs to Log In to Stripe:

1. From the Givebacks toolbar, select Financial Management, then Stripe Settings.


2. Click the three dots and select View Express Dashboard to be taken to your Stripe Express Dashboard.


3. Enter the email address for your Stripe account. It is possible to have multiple team members.

4. Next, Stripe will text a verification code to the phone number listed on your account. Enter that code on this screen and click continue.


Note: If you no longer have access to the phone number listed on the account, you can click the "I no longer have access to this phone number" option under the continue button. This will walk you through some other verification options, depending on your specific circumstances, such as sending the code via email, asking for your date of birth, or prompting you to add a picture of your ID (such as a driver’s license) for verification.


5. After you enter the code, you will see your Stripe Express Dashboard. Click the profile icon at the top right. 


6. Scroll down to the Team Members section and click Edit.


Current Stripe Owner Will Add the New Officer as a Team Member:

7. A box will appear on the right of the screen. Click Add team member


8. Enter the new officer's email address and click Invite.

9. The new officer will be listed in the box with a note of “Invite pending.” Click Done to return to the main page.


Current Stripe Owner Will Remove Themself as the Account Owner:

10. Scroll to the Management and Ownership section and click Edit.

11. Scroll to the bottom of the box and click the “Remove as account representative” link.

12. Click Remove as representative in the confirmation box.

13. Click the Remove person button.

14. Click Remove to confirm.


New Officer Needs to Accept Invitation to Join Stripe Account:

15. The new officer will receive an email from Stripe. They must Accept the invitation to join the account as a team member within 7 days of receipt.

16. Enter your phone number, and then enter the verification code sent to your phone.

17.  Enter the email address where you received the invitation.

18. Next, you will receive a Stripe verification code via text to the phone number listed on your account. Enter that code on this screen and click Continue.


19. You will be taken to the Stripe Dashboard. Click the profile icon at the top right. 


20. Scroll down to the Management and Ownership section.

21.  Click Edit to update this section. Alternatively, you can click the Update button in the banner at the top of the page.

22. Enter your contact information:

  • Legal Name: Enter your first and last name as they appear on your Identification, such as your driver’s license.
  • Email Address: The best contact email address for your new officer position. 
  • Job Title: This is your officer position (i.e., President, Treasurer, etc.).
  • Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth.
  • Home Address: This should be your address of residence, as it matches your ID, such as your driver’s license. 
  • Phone Number: Enter your cell number.
  • Social Security Number: Click Replace and enter your social security number. This may ask for the full SSN or just the last 4 digits depending on a few factors. This is federally required by law as part of the Know Your Customer Laws. You can learn more here: Why does Stripe need my Social Security Number and EIN?

23. Click Submit.

24. The new officer should now also visit Team Members at the bottom to remove anyone from the account who should no longer have access. If you need to remove someone listed as the primary email address, please contact for further assistance. 

You are all set. Your Stripe account has been transferred!


Changing Company Representative and Account Owner/Owner Email on Stripe Account When You Can’t Work with Previous Officer

If you can't work with the current owner of the Stripe account, please reach out to Stripe support using these steps:

1. Please reach out to Stripe using this link - Contact Stripe Support.

2. Select I can't sign in.


3. For the login issue, select I forgot my username, email or password.
4. For Tell us more about your login issue type Express account - Change of Ownership Request. Changing the Owner Admin (owner email) on account. Letter attached.

5. Upload a letter with the details in step 6.


6. Upload a letter from a company signatory (an officer other than the one who will be the Company Representative on the Stripe account) that confirms and provides details on the transfer of ownership for the Stripe account. The letter should be on your organization’s letterhead. Please contact Givebacks Support if you need help retrieving your Stripe account number.

Please use the following verbiage:

Request Type: Express account - Change of Ownership Request
Details: Changing the Owner Admin (owner email) on account: <insert Stripe account number>.

We need to transfer ownership of our express account to a new email. Our Stripe account number is <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.

We authorize the appointment of <name of new officer> as the new Company Representative, as well as the transfer of ownership to them. Below is the account information:

  • Express Account Organization name:
  • Express Account Organization tax ID:
  • Express Account Organization address (likely the school address):
  • Previous Company Representative’s name and date of birth (if available):
  • New Company Representative’s name and date of birth:
  • New Owner Administrator’s email address (this should be the one used to log into Stripe): 

7. Stripe may request a brief phone call with you to verify the transfer, or they may request some additional documentation.

Please let us know if you need further assistance or don't receive a timely response from Stripe. We are happy to continue to assist you.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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