Understand: Livestream Studio Presenter Controls

Learn about the tools available to you in the Livestream Studio.

Givebacks (formerly MemberHub) Livestream Studio has multiple features to customize your experience and help your livestream run smoothly.

Control Options


  1. Move
    • Leave and return to the Livestream itself while remaining in the Livestream Studio with access to the controls.
  2. More Actions
    • Backstage: See which presenters are backstage.
    • Media: Play videos for your viewers by uploading a link.
    • Preferences: Change/test your camera and audio input/output and select a virtual background.
    • Overlay: Create and project a custom overlay on your Livestream feed.
  3. Livestream Controls
    • Camera: Change/enable/disable your camera settings.
    • Microphone: Change/enable/disable your microphone settings.
    • Share Your Screen: Share a browser window or desktop app with your viewers.
    • Take Control of the Stage: Transfer stage control between presenters if there is more than one.
    • Toggle Tile View: Switch between displaying just one Livestream feed or displaying multiple feeds at a time.
    • Enter Fullscreen Mode: Expand the Livestream window to take up your entire computer screen.
  4. Leave Greenroom
    • Exit the Livestream Studio entirely.
Additional Knowledge Base Articles

How-to: Share Pre-recorded Content on Your Livestream

How-to: Allow Your Apple Device to Share Your Screen During a Livestream?

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