How-to: Give Your Browser Access to Your Microphone and Camera

Update your browser permissions to enable livestreaming.

Before you can begin your livestream, you’ll need to give your browser permission to use your microphone and camera.

Before You Begin
  • We recommend using Chrome to access your livestream, but Firefox or Microsoft Edge will also work. Internet Explorer and Safari are not recommended.

Grant Permissions in Chrome (Preferred)

  1. Navigate to your Livestream Studio and select Enter GreenRoom.
  2. Click on the lock symbol in your address bar, which will bring up the permissions window.
  3. Click on the toggles next to Camera and Microphone to shift them to the right, which will update your permissions:


Grant Permissions in Firefox or Edge

  1. Navigate to your Livestream Studio and select Enter GreenRoom.
  2. A permissions pop-up should automatically appear on the left side of your screen.
  3. Select Allow to update your permissions:


Good to Know
  • Once you’ve updated your permissions settings, you may need to refresh or restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
  • If you are using Firefox or Edge and you accidentally dismissed the permissions pop-up without selecting an answer, just refresh your browser and the pop-up should reappear.
  •  If you accidentally blocked permissions to your microphone or camera, click on the lock icon (Chrome or Edge) or the camera/microphone icon (Firefox) in your address bar:


This should bring the pop-up back and allow you to change your permission settings.

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