How do I set up coupon codes (discounts) in our Givebacks store?

You can enable coupon codes in your Givebacks store by going to Store, then Settings.

Creating store coupons

1. From the toolbar go to Store > Settings. Open the Store Coupons section.

2. Click the Add New Coupon button.

3. Enter the coupon information.

  • Name - The name will be used in reports to indicate which coupons have been applied.
  • Code - This is the code the shopper will enter at checkout to enable the discount. 
  • Description - This is for internal use only. It will only appear on the Coupon settings page.
  • Starting At and Expires At - These fields are optional. If you leave them blank, the coupon will always be valid.
  • Select Coupon Type - Choose Percent off for a percentage discount on the entire cart or Flat Amount off for a dollar-amount discount.
  • Amount Off or Percent Off - Enter the discount amount. Note: The discount applies to the entire cart.

4. Click Save.

5. Click the 3 dots next to the coupon to view, edit, or delete the coupon.

Good to know:

  • Discounts will be applied evenly across all items in a cart.
  • Discount codes can not be applied to carts with bundled (already discounted) items or items where the shopper enters their own price.

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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