You can enable coupon codes in your Givebacks store by going to Store, then Settings.
Creating store coupons
1. From the toolbar go to Store > Settings. Open the Store Coupons section.
2. Click the Add New Coupon button.
3. Enter the coupon information.
- Name - The name will be used in reports to indicate which coupons have been applied.
- Code - This is the code the shopper will enter at checkout to enable the discount.
- Description - This is for internal use only. It will only appear on the Coupon settings page.
- Starting At and Expires At - These fields are optional. If you leave them blank, the coupon will always be valid.
- Select Coupon Type - Choose Percent off for a percentage discount on the entire cart or Flat Amount off for a dollar-amount discount.
- Amount Off or Percent Off - Enter the discount amount. Note: The discount applies to the entire cart.
4. Click Save.
5. Click the 3 dots next to the coupon to view, edit, or delete the coupon.
Good to know:
- Discounts will be applied evenly across all items in a cart.
- Discount codes can not be applied to carts with bundled (already discounted) items or items where the shopper enters their own price.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.