Insights: Livestream Activities

Engage your livestream viewers and raise more funds by adding interactive activities.

Givebacks' livestream feature helps you connect with your audience through a variety of activities, which you can mix and match to create a unique livestream event. All these activities are built into your Livestream Studio, where you can start, end, and manage your livestream. You and your donors can access everything from one webpage.

Trivia and Surveys

Trivia and survey questions are a fun way for donors to learn about your organization and each other. You can even require a donation to answer questions, boosting the amount of funds you raise.


How to Use Trivia or Surveys to Engage Donors During My Livestream Event

Customizable Donation Button

Set your donation button to a fixed amount so donors can fund specific needs, similar to a fund-a-need or paddle raise. This helps donors understand the direct impact of their donations and inspires them to give more to your cause.


How-to: Run a Fund-a-Need or Paddle Raise During Your Livestream

Spotlight an Item

If you want to promote certain sale, auction, or sweepstakes items, you can spotlight them during your Livestream to fuel donors’ interest and increase their competitive spirits.


How to: Spotlight an Item During your Livestream

Share Your Screen

Share a slideshow or other presentation during your livestream and highlight key information for your donors.


How-to: Screenshare During a Livestream

Share Pre-Recorded Content

Play pre-recorded videos to help donors emotionally connect with your cause, without interrupting your Livestream’s flow.


How-to: Share Pre-recorded Content on Your Livestream

Chat Feature

Turn on the chat feature so your donors can send questions and comments in real time and interact with each other, fostering a sense of community.


How-to: Enable or Disable Livestream Chat



Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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