Understand: Browsers and Devices That Support Livestreaming

Learn which browsers and devices presenters and attendees should use to access your livestream.

Givebacks (formerly MemberHub) livestream feature supports most browsers and devices, but these recommendations will help your livestream run smoothly.

Supported Browsers

  • AUDIENCE: Livestream viewers can use any browser they like.

Supported Devices

  • PRESENTERS: We recommend using a desktop or laptop to join the Livestream Studio and make it easier to use the controls, especially if you’ve planned multiple activities or want to include pre-recorded content.
  • AUDIENCE: Attendees can use a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone to view the livestream and participate in any livestream activities.

Good to Know

  • If you’re a presenter, we recommend using a headset and muting yourself whenever you’re backstage. Even though the audience can’t see or hear you, any presenters onstage can still hear you. The audience might also hear you if any onstage presenters are using external speakers instead of headsets.
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