How do I change my ticket pricing?

Learn how to change the pricing levels on your raffle or sweepstakes with these simple steps.

Givebacks offers many ways to customize your experience to suit your unique fundraising needs. For one, it’s easy to change your entry levels as long they haven’t been purchased yet. You can change the number of entries (chances to win) for each level, as well as the donation amount for each. You’ll do this from your experience setup menu in the raffle or sweepstakes section (depending on your experience type).

Edit entry information

  1. Click EDIT.
  2. Change the entry or pricing information.
  3. Click SAVE.

Delete entry information

  1. Click DELETE. The line will be removed. 


Once an entry-level has been purchased, it will become disabled in your setup menu and can no longer be edited or deleted. When the buttons are disabled, the text will become gray, and you will not be able to click on it.

We recommend making sure your entry levels are set up exactly as you want them before publishing your fundraiser. You can preview your fundraiser at any time before publishing. 


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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