There are a few reasons why you may not be seeing the Send ACH Payment button on your state dues page. Within Givebacks, only the President, Co-President or Treasurer can pay your state dues for memberships sold. If you are not the current year President or Treasurer for your organization, please ask one of those officers to pay the dues. If you are, you must be logged in with the email listed for President or Treasurer on your Compliance > Update Officers page in order to see the Send ACH Payment button and have admin access to see the members section on the left menu. You also must have members entered on your Members > Manage Members page that have not yet been paid for.
**If you do not see the members menu on the left-hand side - you do not have admin access. Please contact your state PTA to be added as an admin.**
Below are more details on this, broken down into the top 3 reasons why you may not be seeing your Send ACH Payment button.
Reason #1: You are not listed as President or Treasurer, or not logged in with the correct email address.
1. Go to Compliance > Update Officers.
2. Review the list on your screen. Are you listed as President or Treasurer?
If Yes --> Please log out and back in with the email address listed for your name here on the Update Officers page. Once you are logged in with this email address, you should see the button (As long as you have members entered).
If No --> Why?
- There are no officers listed at all. Please follow these steps to add your officers: How To Add An Officer. Once you add yourself, you should see the button to pay dues.
- There is someone else listed for my Officer Title (President or Treasurer). Oh no! It sounds like there was a mix-up. Please contact your state PTA leaders and they can help get this sorted out.
Have you followed these steps and you are still not seeing the button? Proceed to Reason #2.
Reason #2: No Members Entered.
If you are sure you are logged in as President or Treasurer with the email listed on your Compliance > Update Officers list and still do not see the button, follow these steps below.
1. Go to your Memberships > Manage Members page.
2. Do you see all your members entered in this list?
If No --> Let's get them entered. Please follow these steps. How do I enter memberships paid by cash/check? Once your members are entered, you should see the button to pay state dues, back on your Memberships > Remit State Dues page.
If Yes --> Please proceed to Reason #3.
Reason #3 - All your members have been paid for.
If you have verified you are logged in with the correct email address, have members entered, and still do not see the button to pay your state dues please follow these steps:
1. Start by looking at the total count of members on your Dashboard.
2. Check your Memberships > Remit State Dues page. Are dues owed for your organization?
Review the Banner at the top. There will be a banner at the top that will show you if you owe state dues or not.
If you see a blue banner saying that there are no outstanding dues - you are all paid up. You do not see the button to pay state dues because you currently do not owe any.
If you see a yellow banner saying that you owe state dues, have followed all the steps above, and still do not see the Send ACH Payment Button (like shown below), please Contact Givebacks Support.
You can also review your state payment history. The Payments listed on your Members > Remit State Dues payments page should total the amount of members you found in Reason #2. If they do, you know no dues are owed, and this is why you are not seeing the Send ACH Payment Button.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.