If you are an organization that has a Givebacks Store, you will get your Shop to Give payouts through your Stripe account for Givebacks. You will not need to do anything to initiate them. Any funds that are ready to be paid out will automatically be paid out to your bank account connected to your Stripe account each Friday. This will be a separate deposit from your Givebacks payout.
Review the details below to learn more:
Reviewing Payouts on Givebacks for Shop to Give
1. Go to www.givebacks.com. Select Log In and choose For Shop to Give admins.
2. From the toolbar select Payouts.
3. Look at the Earned YTD box. This will show you the total amount you have been paid so far this year from Shop to Give.
4. Now move over to your Givebacks site. Click Financial Management > View Payouts on the left.
5. On this list, you will see instances where you have multiple payouts on one day. The amount paid will likely be on the smaller side for one of them.
6. Click on the smaller payout. You can click on the PO_ to open it. The payout report will have one line item labeled "shop to give donation".
Currently, there is no transaction data shared per deposit in your Shop to Give payouts. This is because of privacy concerns for your backers.
Please reconcile your Shop to Give payout as one lump sum donation, similar to how you may have previously reconciled your Amazon Smile Payout.
Funds Statuses
You can learn more about the meaning of each fund status here: Pending Donations VS Current Balance - What's the Difference.
Transfer Fees
To pay out your Shop to Give Donations, we are required by law to use a 3rd party compliance company. This company charges a small fee to process the payout. This fee is assessed on each transfer, meaning each deposit made to your organization. The fee is 3.25%+1 cent. You will automatically receive 3.25% + 1 cent less than your pending donations and current balance in each of your deposits.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.