How can I promote my cause, to get more backers?

Are you ready to shout Shop to Give from the rooftop?.... and let your backers know?

Shop to Give has an entire promotion center dedicated to helping you achieve this! Visit your promotion center on the left menu to find a ton of resources you can use and customize for your cause, including social media graphics, flyers, presentations for your board, and more! There are also several handy links to use to share your cause.

Use these links to jump to the section that best suits your needs:

Promoting your cause from the Givebacks toolbar

1. From the toolbar, select My Organization, then Promotion Center.

2. Select the link to share.

  • Your Cause Page - Your cause page includes everything going on in your cause: donation links, campaign links, an online store link, and allows donors to choose to support your cause with Shop to Give.
  • Invite to Join - This link acts as a direct invitation to join your cause.

3. Choose the method to share your link. There are a series of blue buttons next to each link. Each button will provide an easy way to promote either the Cause Page or the Invite to Join link.

link.png - This button allows you to easily copy the link so you can paste it someplace else later on.

email_button.png - Opens your email client, such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo so you can easily start to compose an email to your backers about Shop to Give!

twitter.png - Opens your Twitter account, so you can send a tweet with the link to your organization's followers.

facebook.png- Opens your Facebook page to make it simple to create a post about backing your cause.

linkedin.png - Opens your LinkedIn account so you can share the link in a post to your followers.

QR.png- Generates a QR code for your link so your potential or current backers can scan the code to be brought to the correct page.

4. Promotional Materials, including flyers, social media images, and a Getting Started guide, are also available.


Promoting your cause from the Shop to Give Admin Portal

1. Select Promotion Center from the toolbar or select the, Promote Your Cause button on the right of the dashboard.

2. Select the link to share.

  • Invite to Join - This link acts as a direct invitation to join your cause.
  • Express Mobile Sign Up - Use this express link when promoting Givebacks at an in-person event. New backers can quickly create an account and link their credit cards to access local dining offers. This link will only work on a mobile device. We recommend using the QR code.

3. Choose the method to share your link. Next to each link, there are a series of blue buttons. Each button provides an easy way to promote either the Cause Page or the Invite to Join link.

link.png - This button allows you to easily copy the link so you can paste it someplace else later on.

email_button.png - Opens your email client, such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo so you can easily start to compose an email to your backers about Shop to Give!

twitter.png - Opens your Twitter account, so you can send a tweet with the link to your organization's followers.

facebook.png- Opens your Facebook page to make it simple to create a post about backing your cause.

linkedin.png - Opens your LinkedIn account so you can share the link in a post to your followers.

QR.png- Generates a QR code for your link so your potential or current backers can scan the code to be brought to the correct page.

4. The Resource Library also contains flyers and videos to help promote your cause.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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