How do I message my backers to support my cause?

Want to message your backers to thank them or remind them to claim offers? Just export your backers from your backer tracker and import them into your favorite newsletter tool - such as Givebacks communications. Don't forget to grab your cause page link from your promotion center to include in the communication.

Use these links to jump to the section that best suits your needs:

Messaging your backers from your Givebacks site

As a Givebacks organization, you can send messages to all your contacts to encourage them to sign up for and use Shop to Give to support your cause. From the toolbar go to Communications > View & Send Messages.

If you want to send a message to your Shop to Give backers only, you can export a list of backers, set them up in a hub, and send a message to that hub only. To export your backers, go to Shop to Give Shop to Give Metrics >click the Export button.


Messaging your backers using the Shop to Give Admin Portal

1. Go to Select Log In and choose For Shop to Give admins.

2. Select Backer Tracker and click the export button to export your list. You can copy your emails and put them into your newsletter tool, such as Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign.


On the Promotion Center, you will find a ton of resources that will help you promote Shop to Give for your cause on social media, copy a widget to your website, introduce it to your board, and more. 


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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