To create new compliance forms as a district or school admin, please go to Compliance on the toolbar and select Forms. From there, click the blue Create New Form button on the upper right to start creating your new form. Fill in all the options and click save, then publish at the bottom.
How to create District Compliance Forms
1. From the toolbar, select Compliance, then Forms.
2. Click the blue Create New Form button on the upper right.
3. Fill in the options to create your form.
- Name your form
- Choose the Form Type
- Form with a Due Date - This is perfect for things such as audits that require periodic submissions on the same date.
- No due date, allows multiple submissions - This is best for things like fundraiser submissions that can be submitted multiple times on an as-needed basis.
Indicate the Compliance Report Settings for the form.
- Required to be in Good Standing - This should be selected if this form is necessary for the organization to be in good standing.
- Show status of submission in compliance report - Check this box if you want this form to be visible on the Compliance Report page.
4. In the Fields section, click the Add Field button. Fields allow you to collect any specific information you need on the form.
- Enter your field Label.
- The label is the "question" you want to ask your form submitter in order to gather the necessary information.
- An example on a fundraiser form might be: What is the date of your event?
- An example of an audit form might be: What is your total gross income for X year?
- Choose the type of input for your Label.
- Alert - Creates a banner at the top of the form to display the information in the "Label." This is handy for things like important reminders.
- Checkbox - Best used for allowing the form submitter to choose an option or agree to something.
- Currency - Only allows a numerical value to be entered - such as a budget amount.
- Date - Provides a calendar setup for the form submitter to choose a date.
- Textfield - Allows the submitter to enter free-form text as their answer.
- File - Gives the submitter the ability to upload an attachment to the form.
- Instruction Text - Creates a place in the Label box with just the text you entered with no option for the submitter to fill anything in.
- Terms and Conditions - Links your District's Terms and Conditions to the form, with a checkbox asking the submitter to agree to them.
5. Enter your approval steps. Click the Add Step button. Here, you can choose any of your pre-assigned "signers" as someone who needs to sign or approve the form.
Need to add or create signers? Follow these steps: How to Create Signer Types and add Signer Roles
6. Click Save at the bottom. If you want your form available to submitters, click Publish. You are all set! Your form is now created and ready to use.
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