How do I approve District Compliance Submissions as a District Signer?

As a District Signer added as a "signer" or approver on a compliance form, you will have the ability to approve submissions created by your Schools and or SSOs. To start, you can click the link you received in your email or go to Compliance  > Forms. Click the three dots next to the form type you want to approve > select View Awaiting Your Review > select the form > Approve. It's that simple! 

How to Approve Compliance Submissions as a Signer:

1. Click on the link in the email notifying you of the awaiting form to approve OR from the toolbar select Compliance, then Forms.

2. You will see the Awaiting Review flag next to any submissions awaiting approval. Click the three dots next to the submission you wish to review. Select View Awaiting Your Review

3. Click on the submission you wish to review.

4. Review the submission and click the blue Approve button at the bottom of the form. If you need to Reject a submission, you can also click the Reject option. 

5. You have the option to add notes to your approval.

6. You are all set! The form has been approved, and your submitter has been notified. 


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