Calendar: Use for Org-Wide Events

Each site has a Calendar. Administrators can add events to this main calendar that are pertinent to the entire organization. Members can also see events from all their hubs in one place.

 Calendar event reminders go to everyone in the organization

  • Calendar events show up in BLACK
  • By default, only site administrators can add events to the Calendar

Add an event by clicking the blue New Event button on the upper right, then fill in the form.

  • Enter the name of the event.
  • Enter a description of the event.
  • Choose to add the event to the organization calendar and optionally choose to make it a public event. No login is required for a user to see the event and RSVP.
  • Edit the date, time, and location.
  • Select the attendees, if desired.
  • Don't forget to click Save in the upper right when done.

  • By default, users will only see main calendar events.
  • To view hub events (that aren't added to the organization calendar), use the Filter by Hub option.
  • For hub-specific events, only members of the hub will receive the event notifications, but publishing the hub event on the main calendar helps members in the entire organization see that the event is taking place.

** To show your events on your Events Page on your Website, be sure to select Add to Organization calendar and Public Event options.


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