How do I add contacts to hubs?

There are two primary ways to add contacts to hubs. From the toolbar you can go to Contacts and select Manage Hubs & Hub Contacts. Click on the "Add Contacts" link. You can also add contacts to a hub when you initially add a contact to your site. Select Contacts, then Manage Contacts. Click Add Contact and indicate which hubs you want them to be added to.

Adding Contacts to Hubs through Hub Management

1. From the toolbar select Contacts > Manage Hubs and Hub Contacts.

2. Locate the Hub you wish to add contacts to and click the Add Contacts link for that hub. You'll have three ways to add contacts:

  • Add Contact - Add a new or existing contact
  • Add Existing Contacts - Select from existing contacts
  • Enter Email Addresses - Add contacts using email addresses

3. Select the method for adding your contacts.

Add Contact

  • Select the Role Name for the contact(s) you are adding to the Hub (Student, Contact, Admin, Teacher, Room Parent). Anyone not a student or hub admin should be added as a Contact. The Teacher and Room Parent roles are just designations to help identify those individuals. They do not provide any admin access.

  • If you wish to expire this person's role in the hub at the end of the year, toggle the switch and select the year you wish for this role to expire. The role will expire at the end of the selected year. 
  • If you are adding someone who is already in your database, begin by first typing in their first and last name and the email will automatically populate.  
  • You can then choose to send an email to the contact letting them know you have added them to the hub as well as a personal message. Click Save to add this contact to your hub. 

Note: After adding your first contact to the hub, you will then be in the hub, viewing all contacts in the hub. From this screen, you can click Add Contact button in the top right corner to add more contacts to this hub. 


Add Existing Contacts

  • Select the check box for all contacts you want to add to the Hub.

  • Click Done. You'll see a display of all selected contacts and can remove any if needed before continuing.

  • Select the Role for these contacts.
  • If you wish to expire the contacts at the end of the school year, you can toggle the expire switch. 
  • You may also check the "Add the families?" check box to add parents to a hub automatically when you add their children.
  • You may choose to notify contacts by email and add a custom message if you wish. 
  • Click Save to add the contacts to the hub.


Enter Email Addresses

  • Copy and paste a list of email addresses directly into the email addresses field. Make sure the addresses are separated by a comma. Hit enter to validate the email addresses. If validated, the email addresses will appear in bubbles on the screen.  
  • You may choose the Role, Role expiration, and notification settings as well. 
  • Click Save to add the contacts to the hub.

Adding Contacts to Hubs through Contact Management

1. From the toolbar select Contact, then Manage Contacts.

2. Click the Add Contact button in the top right corner.

3. Select the organization and all hubs you wish to add this contact to. 

4. Select the Role for this contact.

5. If you wish to expire this person's role in the hub at the end of the year, toggle the switch and select the year you wish for this role to expire. The role will expire at the end of the selected year. 

6. You can then choose to send an email to the contact letting them know you have added them to the hub as well as a personal message. Click Save to add this contact to your organization and hub.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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  • Adding to Hub from the People Actions drop down button does not seem to be working. It does work from the Admin Console's Hub-Add Member button & it does work from the People listing/search People Actions button, but I would like to be able to do this directly from the person's profile view if possible. The button is there & I am able to go through the steps, but it just goes back tot he People listing without actually adding the person to the Hub.

  • Julie, I just tested this in my daughter's school site and the same thing happened so I will escalate this to development. Thanks!


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