To build an A-thon fundraiser, go to the Givebacks toolbar and select Fundraisers. Select A-thons and click the Start an A-thon button. Navigate through each section to set up the campaign page design, the participant center, the prize page, and the donation settings.
If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below, please click here to go to the appropriate help article.
Creating an A-thon
1. From the toolbar, select Fundraisers, then A-thons.
2. Click the Start an A-thon button.
3. Check the box for A-thon and fill in the General Details section.
- Enter Campaign Name - Create a compelling title that summarizes your campaign.
- Select your activity units- Are the participants reading books, running laps, etc?
- Campaign Goal - Enter the fundraising goal for this campaign and check the box if you want to show the goal on your campaign page.
- Start and end date
- Timezone - The timezone is determined by your computer settings.
- Select a start time and end time.
- Will this campaign include extras? - Extras are products or perks that can be added to a campaign, giving donors more ways to give. Check the box if you are adding extras.
4. Complete the Peer to Peer section. Click Save & Continue.
- Will individuals be raising funds for this experience? - For A-thons the check box will automatically be selected. Use the dropdown to select the term you will use to refer to the individuals who will be completing the activity. For example, will you refer to them as participants, students, etc?
- Will teams of individuals be formed to raise funds? - If you are using teams, select the term you will use to refer to them. For example, will you refer to them as teams, classes, etc?
- Will you offer prizes to individuals and/or teams? - Indicate if you are offering individual prizes and/or team prizes. Prizes can be based on the amount of activity or the amount raised.
5. On the toolbar, additional pages are available for setting up your campaign. Complete the Campaign Page Design section.
- Enter Campaign Name - You can edit the name of your campaign here.
- Show recent donations - Checking this box will show a list of donations on the main campaign page.
- Campaign Description - Required. Add a description of the campaign to encourage donors to support your cause.
- Upload Campaign Image - Upload a 400 x 1000 pixel image for best results. This is the main image for your campaign.
6. Create Custom Sections. These sections provide separate spaces for information outside the main page description. Add a title and a description for your Custom Section.
7. If desired, Create An Extra.
- Extra Name - Enter the name of the Extra. (i.e. T-Shirt, Gold sponsorship, color packet)
- Extra Price - The amount you are charging for the Extra.
- Extra Description - A brief description of the Extra.
- Upload an Extra image - A photo of the Extra.
- Advanced Settings - Add additional fields to be completed by the donor. There are several field types, including a selection list.
8. Complete the Participant Center section and click Save & Continue. The Participant Center page is where your participants, teams, and prizes are listed.
- Participant Center - Add a description for the Participant Center.
- Choose whether participants can only be added by admins or if you'll also allow participants to self-register online. Either way, admins can always import, add, and edit registrations.
- Select the text on the "call to action" button.
- Select the privacy settings.
- Participant Registration Options - Select the information you want to collect during registration and how goals will be set.
- Teams - Select the information you want to collect from teams during registration and the team privacy settings.
9. Create Team Prizes by clicking Create a Prize. You can create as many prizes as you want. Prizes can be awarded based on activity or funds raised. Click Save & Continue.
10. Create Participant Prizes by clicking Create a Prize. You can create as many prizes as you want. Prizes can be awarded based on activity or funds raised. Click Save & Continue.
11. You can Add Teams manually by clicking New Team or through an import by clicking Import from CSV. You must use the template provided by clicking Download CSV Template. Teams need to be entered by the admin during the campaign setup.
Note: If a team image is required for registration, you will not be able to add the image through an import. The image will need to be added separately. To add the image click the 3 dots next to the team, select Edit Team Info, and upload the image.
12. You can Add Participants manually by clicking New Participants or through an import by clicking Import from CSV. You must use the template provided by clicking Download CSV Template.
Note: Teams need to be imported or entered before importing participants. Team names on the import must match the team names in the campaign exactly, including capitalization and punctuation.
13. Select your Payment Settings and the Required Fields at Checkout. Click Save & Continue.
- Enter your pre-set donation amounts. Donors will still have the option to enter a custom donation amount at checkout.
- Select your pricing model - Percent Pricing Model or Tip Model. For more information on the pricing models see Can I have donors pay the credit card processing and platform fees?
14. Congratulations! Your campaign is set up! Click Open Preview to see how it looks. Use the toolbar to go back and edit any section.
15. When you are ready to make your campaign live, click Publish Campaign.
16. Now, you can share links with donors and participants.
You can also return to the Campaign Page Link tab to access the Campaign Page, Participant Center, and Registration Links.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.