The Campaign Donation History page is a central page for managing your campaign. You can publish, end, and finalize your campaigns from here. You can also see the start and end dates and your progress to goal. In the Donation History section you can view donations, issue refunds, edit credit designations, and resend receipts.
If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.
Accessing the Campaign Donation History page
From the toolbar click Fundraisers then Manage Campaigns. Click on the name of your fundraiser or click the 3 dots next to your fundraiser and select Campaign Donation History.
Viewing the Campaign Donation History page
There are several sections on this page that give you an overview of your campaign.
Campaign Status
This section indicates the current status of your campaign. You can also change the status of your campaign by moving it to the next stage.
- Draft - The campaign is not yet live.
- Published - The campaign is live and ready for donations.
- Completed - A-thons will go into a Completed state on the end date. The admin will need to click Finalize for credit cards to be charged for per-unit pledges.
- Finished - Crowdfunding moves to a Finished state on the end date of the campaign. A-thons move to a Finished state after they have been finalized.
If you wish to end your campaign immediately instead of waiting for it to expire on the end date, click End Campaign.
Note: Once you end your campaign you can not make any changes. No more donations can be made and you can not restart the campaign.
End Date
This is the date your campaign is scheduled to end. Click Change End Date to adjust your campaign date to end it early or to extend the campaign. The end date must be extended before the campaign ends.
Time Remaining
This is a quick view of the number of days left in your campaign.
Progress Bar
This is an easy way to see how your campaign is progressing toward your goal.
Campaign Donation History
- This section displays a list of all the campaign donations with details.
- You can filter donations by date, donor, or payment method.
- Click the download icon to export a list of donations.
- Click the three dots next to a donation to Edit Credit Designation, Resend Receipt, or Refund Donation.
Actions Available from the Campaign Donation History page
- You can change the status of your campaign - Publish your campaign or Finalize an a-thon.
- You can end your campaign early by clicking End Campaign.
- You can change the end date of your campaign by clicking Change End Date.
- By clicking the three dots at the top of the page you can Duplicate Campaign, Edit Campaign, or Add Offline Donations.
- Click View Participants and Prizes to view the activity, donation levels, and rankings for participants and teams. From there, you can add teams or participants and log or import activity.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.