Domain change from memberhub to givebacks - May 15, 2024

We’re improving the way you access the Givebacks dashboard and your group’s Givebacks URLs. These changes have minimal impact on the way you use Givebacks and all of your links will continue to work as they normally do.

On May 15, 2024, the domain for your website, online store, and some fundraising pages will change from memberhub to givebacks. All of your memberhub URLs (e.g., your store link, product links, fundraiser links) will automatically redirect to your new givebacks URL so there’s no action you or your supporters need to take.

You’ll also notice a change to the login URL for the Givebacks dashboard. You won’t need to do anything different to log in. You can access the dashboard the same way you do now. 

URL updates will happen on May 15, 2024. They include changes to:

  • Your website, online store, and some fundraising page URLs
    • The domain of your URL will change from memberhub to givebacks. For example, becomes
    • Your current URL will be automatically redirected so existing links will remain active but you’ll want to start sharing your new URL on May 15.
    • If you currently use a third-party hosting service and redirect to your website, the new redirect will work for you.
    • Fundraising page links that use memberhub in their URL will change from memberhub to givebacks and will be automatically redirected. For example, becomes
  • The login URL for the Givebacks dashboard
    • The URL for the Givebacks dashboard is changing from to and will automatically redirect starting on May 15.
    • You should update your bookmark to [yoursubdomain] and, if necessary, whitelist it to make sure it’s always accessible.
  • becomes
    • will automatically redirect to If you visit to log in to Givebacks, update your bookmark to on May 15.

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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