The Wallet houses your credit cards, membership cards, Shop to Give balances and earnings, and a record of purchases. There are three sections in your wallet.
Available Balance
From the main tab of your wallet, you can view your available and pending balances from your Shop to Give earnings. Click the Available Balance box to Make a Donation to a cause or Transfer Available Balance to yourself via PayPal, Venmo, or a Bank Account.
Membership Cards
Your current year memberships are in your wallet. For PTA memberships, click on your organization to open the full card. Click the View Expired link to view cards from previous years.
Cards On File
This section houses the credit cards that are saved and linked to your account. Linked cards are used to earn cashback through the Shop to Give program, and they make the checkout process quicker when purchasing from your cause's online store. Click Add Card to link more credit cards.
Click the Earnings tab to see your Shop to Give earnings by merchant.
Click the Purchases tab to see a listing of your orders. Click an order to view the receipt and resend it to your email address. You can also Filter orders by Year and Cause.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.