How do I accept or reject a Site Joins request?

When using the Site Joins function, you can go to ContactsAll Contacts > View Join Requests to accept or reject requests to join your site.

Manage Site Joins Requests

1. Administrators can process join requests under Contacts > All Contacts > View Join Requests.

2. Your open Site Joins requests (as well as Hub join requests) will appear here. You can click Filters to filter the list by Hub or Organization joins. Check the box next to the person and choose the Accept, Reject, or Hold button. 

Upon accepting a join request, a new contact and family will be created under Contacts > All Contacts or if a match is found, it will update the existing contact's information.

Rejecting the request will flag the request accordingly.

Holding a request puts it into a "hold" state so an administrator can handle it later. 

3. To edit a person's role, click the 3 dots at the end of the line. Select the correct role from the dropdown and click Submit.

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