Getting started with your Online Store

To get your online store up and running, set up your Stripe account for payment processing, add memberships, products, and donations to your store, and share the link to your store.

Set up payment processing

To sell items in your online store you will need to set up a Stripe account. Stripe is the credit card processor for Givebacks. Even if you have a Stripe account, you need to set up one through Givebacks. Go to Financial Management > Stripe Settings and click the Setup Stripe Account button

For more details on setting up your Stripe account, read How to take payments with Givebacks. You may see your account is "Pending Verification" after completion, but this should change to "Complete" within an hour or so from first creating your Stripe account.

Customize your memberships and add products and donations to your store


  1. From the toolbar select Memberships > Membership Products.
  2. If you are a PTA with a State PTA/Givebacks relationship, you will see your standard state member types. They’re already posted in your store, so all you have to do is click the three dots and select Edit to adjust pricing and other details.
  3. To add memberships, click New Membership Item, enter all the membership details, and click Save.

Products and Donations

  1. To add spirit wear, tickets to events, donations, and other products, select Store Management > Products.
  2. Select Add Product and enter the product details.

Note: All store transactions have processing fees that your organization can pass on to the payor or absorb. Read How do I change settings for platform and processing fees? for more information.

Tell everyone in your school community!

You can promote your store to supporters by email, newsletters, and social media! The online store is a public-facing page, so you can simply share the link to your store.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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