How-to: Promote your experience with text-to-give

Text your donors a direct link to your fundraiser using a unique keyword.

Text-to-Give lets donors access your fundraising page via an SMS message with a link to simplify the donation process. You can add this feature to any fundraiser, but it’s ideal for in-person events, livestreaming, and ads.

Before You Begin

  • Text-to-Give is powered by Twilio. Twilio’s Messaging Policy forbids sending messages related to cannabis and CBD or the marketing or sale of a cannabis product since they aren’t legal everywhere in the United States. If you or your donors are based in the US, and your Experience involves cannabis or CBD products, you shouldn’t use this feature.

Set Up Text-to-Give

  1. Navigate to Page Design in Experience setup, or to Checkout in Donation Page setup:
  2. Scroll down to Promote your Experience with text-to-give and click on the toggle switch. (If you’re in Donation Page setup, scroll down to Promote your Donation Page with text-to-give.)
Screen Recording 2022-08-24 at PM
  1. Enter a keyword. The keyword should be easy for your donors to remember. (Examples: GIVE2025, DONATE NOW, SAVEWHALES25)
  2. Click Check Availability to see if your chosen keyword is available. If it’s not, try adding numbers or using a different word.
  3. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

Donor View

When donors text your selected keyword to 33100, they get a message back with a link to your fundraising page. 

Good to Know

Donors outside the US can still use Text-to-Give if the user’s cell phone plan allows US texting.


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