Understand: Why Tip Model Pricing Raffles and Sweepstakes Have a Ten Entry Minimum

Use entry quantities to increase donations and eliminate platform fees.

Some customers find it a little unclear why they can’t sell one raffle or sweepstakes ticket at a time. If you select Givebacks Tip Model pricing option, the system requires at least 10 entries (not tickets) per purchase. The most important thing to note is that this requirement doesn’t reduce the amount of funds you raise, it makes it easier to raise more funds. It also allows you to run your raffles for free.

How Entries Work

One crucial factor to keep in mind is that entries aren’t the same as donations. For example, if someone purchases $25 worth of entries, it won’t affect the amount of money raised whether the donor gets 1 entry or 100 entries. Your organization will receive the $25 either way.

You can even encourage higher donations by giving discounts for buying more entries, like in this example:

  • 10 entries for $10
  • 50 entries for $25
  • 150 entries for $50

Run Your Fundraisers for Free

Givebacks fundraisers require you to offer at least 10 entries per price level because the Tip model pricing option allows donors to leave a tip to help cover platform fees. If the fundraiser is a raffle or sweepstakes, the system offers donors a few extra entries to encourage them to leave a tip. The 10-entry minimum allows our system to offer at least one extra entry per tip.

Good to Know
  • See our Pricing Page to learn more about your pricing options and the differences between Tip Model and Percent pricing. If you create a raffle or sweepstakes using our Percent pricing option, there is no entry minimum.
  • Please make sure that your pricing levels are accurate before publishing your Experience. Once a donor makes a purchase at a specific entry level, you can’t alter or delete that entry level in any way, even if you refund all purchases for that entry level.

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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