How to credit a write-in donation

Learn how to update donations not assigned to a registered member so you can give credit to the appropriate participants.

If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.

If you’ve included peer-to-peer on your experience or are running an a-thon, you will have participants/students/players* involved to help raise funds. Donors can choose a participant’s name from a drop-down menu during checkout. This option will ensure the donation is credited to that participant and will go towards their total funds raised.

If a donor can’t find the participant’s name (for instance, maybe the participant has not signed up yet), there is a write-in option for the participant’s name. If the write-in option is used, it will require that the donation be credited at a later time. In this case, the experience administrators will receive an email containing a link and instructions to credit that donation correctly.

It’s always a good idea to check and ensure that all the write-in donations have been credited before finalizing an experience. You can do this by exporting the spreadsheet from the view contributions* button in the experience management menu. On the far right of the exported spreadsheet, you will see a column entitled write-in-credit. Follow the steps below to credit the donation to that member by following these steps. If you do not see this column, all donations have been credited correctly. View and Export a List of Donations and Donor Information

Assign the donation

  1. Click on Experiences in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the title of the experience. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the experience image.
  3. Click View Contributions.*
  4. Search for the donor’s name.
  5. Hover your mouse over the donation.
  6. Click on the three-dot menu on the far right of the line.
  7. Click Edit Contribution.*
  8. Click the blue EDIT button under Choose the participant(s).
  9. Enter the participant’s name and click Save.

If you cannot find the participant to credit the donation, you can add the participant and follow the steps above. How to Add Participants and Teams for Team Fundraisers

Good to Know

  • It’s best to ensure you’ve credited all write-in donations before finalizing the experience and credit cards are charged. You will not be able to go back and do so after the experience has ended or been finalized.

*Note: Terminology on these buttons may differ according to your chosen terminology for your experience.


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