Finalizing your A-thon fundraiser is a key step to accomplishing your fundraiser's goals. This step allows us to calculate the final amount to charge your donors for their pledges based on the activity that was completed in the fundraiser. Before finalizing your campaign make sure all activity and offline donations are entered. Then navigate to the Campaign Donation History page and click Finalize Campaign.

If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.

Before finalizing your a-thon experience, take a few moments to go through the following steps.

1. Make sure all offline donations have been entered and credited to the desired participant(s). To add offline donations go to the Campaign Donation History page, click the 3 dots at the top of the page, and select Add Offline Donations.

2. Enter all activity results.  

Once your campaign has ended, either by ending it early or letting it run out naturally, you will need to finalize your campaign.

1. Select your campaign to view the Campaign Donation History page.

2. Click Finalize Campaign.

3. Note any warning message. If any activity is missing, go back to enter the activity before finalizing. Once ready, click Finalize Campaign.

Please note that once you finalize the campaign, no additional activity results can be entered into your campaign. Pledge amounts and credit designation cannot be edited. Donors’ credit cards will be charged when you finalize results and the total amount raised will be updated as well. Your A-thon fundraiser will be completed once you finalize the campaign.


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