Why does Stripe need my Social Security Number and EIN?

By law, Stripe must ask for your SSN to make sure you are who you say you are, and that you’re authorized to act on behalf of an entity (your PTA, organization, or business). Your SSN is for identity verification ONLY; Stripe is federally required to officially know someone connected to the account. Sometimes Stripe may ask for your full SSN, other times all that is needed is the last 4 digits. Your information is secure, and Givebacks doesn’t access or store it.

Stripe doesn’t run credit checks, so inputting your SSN for this purpose won’t affect your credit score. Your taxes won’t be affected, either, as long as you input the correct name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your organization in Stripe.

When you start the Stripe setup form in Givebacks, you’re actually on the Stripe site. Givebacks has no access to your banking data, so we don't store it and your privacy is tightly controlled. Stripe keeps all the information you enter in Stripe safe with bank-level security measures.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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