Specific requirements vary from state to state, but all PTAs can submit their required compliance information by going to the toolbar, selecting Compliance > Enter State Submissions, and selecting Submit on one of the desired areas on their Compliance Dashboard.
Follow these steps to submit compliance requirements:
1. On the toolbar select Compliance and then select Enter Submissions.
2. Click Submit next to the desired requirement.
3. Fill out the form and attach any required documents. Click Submit.
4. The approval status will be updated on the Submission list.
Awaiting Review: Upon completing the submission, the status of your Compliance form will display as awaiting review. Your state PTA can then review and approve according to their procedures.
Approved: If your State Approves your submission, they will mark it as approved. The person who submitted the form will also receive an email notification of the status update.
Rejected: If your State Rejects your submission, they will mark it as rejected and can explain the reason. The person who submitted the form will also receive an email notification of the status update. The reason for rejection can also be viewed from your Compliance Submissions Page.
5. If the submission is rejected you should archive the original submission and resubmit it. Click the title of the submission. In the pop-up box click the Archive button and Confirm. You can then submit your requirement again.
Please note: Your state PTA may have additional requirements not listed in this article. If you have any further questions on this, please reach out to your State PTA leaders to inquire. If you are unsure who to contact, please contact Givebacks Support and we can help direct you to the best contact information.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.