Can I record cash or check orders in the store?

Admins can record an order that was made with cash or check. This gives you a way to keep track of all orders and to include cash/check orders in inventory tracking. To record the order go to the Store, place the purchased items in the cart, and on the checkout screen click the Record Cash/Check Payment link.

Recording Cash/Check order

1. Go to your Givebacks store by using the URL or by clicking Shop on the toolbar.

2. Select the item or items you would like to purchase. Fill in the required information and click Add to Cart.

3. Click the Cart Icon on the top right to go to checkout.

4. Fill in the customer information and click the Record Cash/Check Payment link. Only Admins can see this link.

5. Select the method of payment as Cash or Check.

6. Click the Place Order button. 


  • No fees will be charged for cash/check entry.
  • Any Memberships sold this way will still appear on your Members list.
  • A receipt will be sent to the purchaser once you create the order. If a membership was purchased, the receipt will contain a link to the purchaser's membership card.

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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