How do I add custom fields for products or memberships?

Custom fields are a great way to collect additional information from your shoppers. If you need to know size shirt or how to deliver an item, you can create custom fields for this information. You can also collect information about your Members that can be saved in their contact profile. When creating products and memberships add custom fields in the Additional Fields section of the product setup.

Note: This article will discuss the creation of custom fields within the product and membership setup. You can also create Contact Properties under the Contacts menu. See How can I create and view contact properties? for details about configuring properties there.

Adding Custom Fields

When creating or editing your Products or Membership Items, expand the Additional Fields section to see your options.

1. Add Colors or Add Sizes. You are provided with a list of options. To remove a color or size, click the 3 dots next to the option and select Remove Field. You can add options by typing in the Field Options box and clicking Add. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order of the options.

Check the Required box if you want the customer to be required to make a selection.

Check the Add Property to Contact box if you want this field added as a Contact Property, which will save the data as part of the contact's record and profile. Otherwise, the information is only saved within the order. 

2. To Add a Property that has already been created as a Contact Property, click Add Contact Property and select from available properties. See How do I create and view contact properties?

3. To create a new property, click Add Custom Option. Give your property a meaningful Field Name.

Select the Field Type. Note: Text Field and Multiline text are great for free entry fields, but will not work as well for filtering. 

  • Text Field - Free-form text.
  • Select - You can create the options that will show in a selection list and your contacts or admins can select from the list.
  • Multi Select - The same as Check Box, but allows the selection of more than one item.
  • Number - Allow number values.
  • Date - Date formatted entry field.
  • Check Box - Perfect for Yes/No questions.
  • Multiline - Same as text field, but larger box.

If you want the data entered in the Custom Field to be saved in the shopper's contact profile, check the box for Add Property to Contact.

To add Select and Multi Select options type a value you want in your selection list in the Field Name box then click Add. Continue entering as many values as you want in your list. To remove options, click the 3 dots and select Remove Field.


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