How do I enter memberships paid by cash/check?

If you have memberships that were paid offline, such as by cash or check, you can manually enter these members by going to Memberships > Manage Members. From the three-dot menu, elect the Add Cash/Check Member option and fill in the form for each new membership sold. This will add the member to your site, and member list and (optionally) send a receipt to your new member. For PTAs, this ensures members are counted for state dues and the member receives their membership card.

How to Manually Enter Memberships

1. Click Memberships and Manage Members on the toolbar. Then click the Add Cash/Check Member button.

2. Click the three dots next to the Change Year button and select Add Cash/Check Member.

3. Choose the membership type the member purchased from the drop-down box.

Note: If you do not see any membership types here, this is likely because you do not have any memberships live in the store. Follow these steps to update your Membership Items first, and then come back to these steps.

4. Fill in the form and click Save.

The form requires the following information:

  • Price PaidThis is the price you collected for the membership.
  • Check Number: Optional, enter a check number or a short word as a reference for yourself.
  • School Year: This is the year the membership is valid for and will usually be the current school year. 
  • Member Type: This is the member type for this member per your by-laws, such as, but not limited to, Parent-Guardian or Student. 
  • First Name: Enter the Member's first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the Member's last name.
  • Email: Enter a unique email address for the member. If you do not have an email address, you can skip an email and only enter a phone number below. A unique email or phone number is required for each non-student member. Students do not require a phone number or email.
  • Mobile: Enter the member's phone number. If you do not have a phone number but do have an email, that's ok. Enter only the email.
  • Send Membership ReceiptThis box will be checked by default. You can un-check it if you do not want the member to get a receipt, but it's good to note that this is the easiest way for the member to get their Membership Card.

4. You are done! These members are now on your members list under Memberships > Manage Members. The payment Type will say Cash or Check. (Memberships purchased through the online store will say "Store Purchase").


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