Communications: Sample Letters to Introduce Givebacks

For the smoothest implementation and the best user adoption, communicate with everyone about Givebacks before actually adding them as contacts. Then, try to use Givebacks for all communications and logistics.

It's important that the first time people hear about Givebacks, it isn't an email in their inbox saying they've been added to a "hub." Take as many opportunities as possible to tell everyone about Givebacks, how your organization will use it, and how it will benefit your organization and your members. If possible, hold an informational session to show them around your site, exactly how you're planning on using it, and allow them to ask questions.

Keep in mind that your organization will have people and leaders who will quickly adopt and make great use of Givebacks. These folks will help save your staff time and money because you'll empower them to help you with the organization's mission. Let them be Givebacks champions and ask them to help others with Givebacks.

You may also have people who sign up, update their profile, and possibly won't log in for a long time. Don't worry - these people can still receive announcements and event reminders via email and text messaging.

Below is sample language for communicating with your fellow leaders about Givebacks.

Welcome to Givebacks!

Hopefully you’ve already heard about Givebacks and maybe even had some training. You’re receiving this email because you are or will be a Hub Administrator. A hub is just a group in our school, like a PTA committee, class, grade, team, club, etc. There are plenty of helpful articles and step-by-step guides to get you through.

Hubs were created during your site's initial setup. When you are listed as an admin of a hub, you will receive a notification email. Learn more about hub tools here.

With Givebacks you can…

  • Strengthen communications with parents and the rest of our school community.
  • Use virtual fundraisers to raise more money with less work.
  • Collect online payments for dues and other items, and collect donations.
  • Email and/or text targeted audiences - to everyone, one class, or even one person.
  • Share files and photos in a secure environment.
  • Organize your school calendar and automate event reminders.
  • Access a private online school directory.

Visit for help.


Below is a sample email to communicate about your site joins page to school families and other users

Hello {School Name} Family!

Our school has started using an online communication tool called Givebacks. {School Name} uses Givebacks to bring you into our school community and keep you informed and engaged with what is happening. Within our Givebacks site, you will find our online store, newsletters, shared calendar events, files, photos, reminders, and much more all in one place!

With Givebacks, you can:

  • Join the PTA, donate to fundraisers, and buy other items online
  • Receive emails and texts with communications from all levels of your school
  • Share files and photos in a secure environment
  • Utilize the school calendar and receive event reminders
  • Access a private online school directory

Your information is stored securely and privately. Please visit {Paste your Site Joins Page link here} to add you and your family to our organization's Givebacks site.

We would love to have you as a PTA member. Please visit our online store to join: {Paste your online store link here}

Thanks, and welcome to Givebacks!


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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