Within Givebacks, you can access multiple organizations from the same email or login. To switch between organizations, admins can click on the Current Organization listed in your top right-hand corner. Then choose the organization you wish to visit from the list. Non-admins should go to their profile, the Other Organizations section, and select their role for the organization they wish to view.


1. Click the Current Organization listed in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Select the organization from your list of causes.


1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right-hand corner and select My Profile.

2. Scroll to the Other Organizations section and click on one of your roles under the organization you wish to view.

Note: If you do not see the organization you want to visit, please reach out to the organization directly for access. You must be listed as a Contact in the organization's database to have access to the organization's Givebacks site. If you have the organization's store link, go to the store and click the Contact Store Admin link on the toolbar to reach out to them. If you do not have your organization's store link, please contact us and we can help direct you.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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